/ about

I’m Daniel!

For everyone who’s seen my old website, I apologize dearly. Anyway, here’s some stuff about me!


Here are some of my projects, in roughly chronological order.

spark (2020-2021)

spark was my first truly ambitious project; I was bored during COVID and was curious how programming languages worked, so I did some digging and found Ruslan Spivak’s amazing Let’s Build a Simple Interpreter series. Following the tutorial in C++ rather than Python and switching up the features and syntax, I ended up with spark. Try it out for yourself here!

blocks (2021-2022)

If you do any kind of programming, I’m sure you’ve heard of Scratch, the infamous block programming language. Take a wild guess as to what blocks is (be patient; the page may take a while to load)! Alt text

usaco.guide (2023-present)

If you haven’t checked out the usaco.guide before, please do! Here’s some of what I contributed, in no particular order:

I also contributed some content, but it’s not particularly noteworthy.


  • USACO Platinum
  • 3x AIME Qualifier

…and there’s not much else :)